A More Simple & Flexible Year
A More Simple & Flexible Year
It's a new year, and I've been looking at how I can make my digital life more simple and easy. Consolidating and renewing. Refocusing, pruning and reinventing my digital life. It's a process. Slowing down to savour my experiences and to connect more fully with others.
Here are some of the changes I've made:
Back up my mobile photos with Dropbox
Reevaluate the apps I use for mobile art and photography and sort them into folders
Delete unused apps on my iPhone and iPad to make it easier to stay focused.
New email routine. Emails that don't require instant action or an immediate response, get popped into a folder named Monday, and on Mondays it's email day.
Simplify how I distribute my news, so that Club Marmalade Moon now also delivers you updates from the blog.
Get a juicer for the studio! New, healthy liquid lunches!
Updates Made Easy for You
To make it convenient and more flexible for you, you can now choose if you'd like to get your updates on a daily, weekly or monthly basis and you'll also receive exclusive, free content for members of Club Marmalade Moon.
Tidbits. Consolidated News Bits
Last year I started a regular feature on this blog, where I bring the best bits of news I find on the web back home to Marmalade Moon in Tidbits. It's a weekly mix of inspiration, sparks of genius, beauty, illumination and laughter illustrated with my mobile photos.