Before & After - Vintique
Recently I talked about some of the awesome features of Vintique, and promised you a more detailed “Before & After” post. While you may not be able to make every drab photo beautiful, I consider it a personal challenge to take one of my “okay” photos and transform it into something I would be proud to post on my blog.
Below is a photo I snapped on a walk one day in my neighborhood. It’s one that I thought would be really pretty at the time, but later I noticed the colors weren’t as bright as I saw them, and then there is a pesky ladder on the left that doesn’t quite capture the mood I was hoping for.
My Process
I start out by cropping out the parts that I don’t want, while still framing the photo with that wonderful old tree. I also felt that the metal grill in front of the picnic table was a little distracting. I chose rather to focus on the lovely landscape behind these items. You do need to be careful not to zoom in too much, as you may lose quality, but here is my final crop, along with the rest of my creative process:

As you can see, you don't have to do a lot to a photo to make it sparkle a bit more. Also, you don't have to use a ton of apps to do it, especially when you've got an app as great as Vintique!
About the Author: Jennifer Lynn Bishop is a freelance graphic designer, artist, and iPhoneographer. Follow her artistic journey at Rainy Day Doodle.
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